Watch Waleed Aly Run Through Everything Trump Did In His First Week In Office

Truly terrifying.

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Donald Trump has been in office for a little over a week, and no doubt you’ve already heard about some of what he’s gotten up to. Maybe you saw that he’d reinstated a gag order preventing NGOs that provide abortion services from receiving federal funding. Perhaps you caught the footage of his press secretary spinning some “alternative facts” about the size of the crowds at his inauguration. Oh, and you probably already heard that he’s signed an executive order to suspend America’s refugee intake, with an indefinite ban on refugees from Syria.

But there’s more. A lot more. For every disturbing headline you’ve seen pop up in your news feed, odds are there’s about a dozen you may have missed. Which is why on last night’s episode of The Project, Waleed Aly spent a four minute segment just listing all the things that Trump has done since seizing power. And fair warning: it is fucking bleak.

One week down. 207 to go.