
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer Just Keeps On Fucking Up Malcolm Turnbull’s Name

The mind games continue.

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In what is easily the best #auspol story since Barnaby Joyce threatened to murder Johnny Depp’s dogs, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has for the second day in a row fucked up the name of Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

As questions continue to swirl over the status of a controversial deal that would see refugees currently imprisoned on Manus Island and Nauru resettled in the United States, Spicer has once again gone on camera and referred to our fearless leader as “Prime Minister Trumble”.

“We have a tremendous amount of respect for the people of Australia, for Prime Minister Trumble,” Spicer told reporters in the White House press gallery. He also said that “Chief of Staff [Reince] Priebus and Chief Strategist [Steve] Bannon did meet with the Prime Minister,” before it was pointed out to him that they actually met with ambassador Joe Hockey. Incidentally, I imagine being mistaken for the PM was the single greatest moment of Hockey’s life.

It’s still unclear whether Spicer genuinely doesn’t know the Prime Minister’s name, or whether he’s intentionally mispronouncing it as part of some kind of weird mind game meant to slowly erode Trumble’s self-confidence. Either way, it’s fucking fantastic and I hope he never stops.

Trump, meanwhile, took to Twitter earlier today to thank Prime Minister Trundle for “telling the truth” about their “very civil conversation”, which reportedly involved the US president complaining about the refugee deal for 25 minutes before abruptly hanging up.

Trunkle’s office has yet to publically comment on this bizarre case of mistaken identity, as they’ve been too busy suspending staffers over anti-Trump Facebook posts. Which is only prudent when you really think about it. After all, the last thing we want to do is disrespect one of our closest allies.