Waleed Aly Broke Down Week Two Of President Trump And It Was Every Bit As Depressing As Week One

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Last week Waleed Aly spent more than four minutes on The Project just listing all the things President Trump got up to in the seven days since he took the oath of office. There was an awful lot to cover, and most of it was pretty fucking grim.

Unfortunately, it turns out that Trump’s first week in charge was just a warm up for week number two. Since last Friday, Trump has lied about the Muslim ban being a Muslim ban, fired the acting attorney general, appointed a vehemently pro-life justice to the Supreme Court, and started negging Malcolm Turnbull. Sorry, I meant Malcolm Trumble. Trundle?

Point is, it looks like Aly is going to have his work cut out for him for the next couple of years. Welcome to the most depressing weekly segment on TV.