Twitter Is Roasting Donald Trump Jr. Again, This Time Due To His Very Stupid Shirt
"Donald Trump Jr., like all of history's biggest badasses, wearing a shirt at the pool."

Say what you like about his terrible words and actions, but there’s just no denying the fact that Donald Trump Jr. has guts. After the roasting he received last month for that bizarre New York Times photo shoot, I don’t think any of us would have blamed him if he’d retreated from public life forever.
Hell, some of us might have even thanked him for it.
But that’s not how they roll in the Trump clan, oh no. This is a family whose members do and say whatever the hell they like, no matter how stupid it makes them seem. So rather than go running with his tale between his legs, Trump Jr. has proudly doubled down.
Behold: an outfit that somehow makes him look like an even bigger tool than when he was dressed like the world’s loneliest country music star and/or serial killer.
I’m going to have to buy 5-10,000 of these to pass around to our buddies in the #MSM. In the meantime I’ll model it for them?. #yourewelcome
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) April 15, 2017
Now look, if there’s one thing that I know to be true, it’s that there’s absolutely nothing cooler than a guy wearing a t-shirt with an edgy slogan on it. People love that kind of thing. Women especially.
Still, for some weird reason, not everyone on the internet was a fan.
Donald Trump Jr., like all of history’s biggest badasses, wearing a shirt at the pool.
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) April 15, 2017
Donald Trump Jr. looks like the Why I Won’t Date Hot Women Anymore guy if he had quit going to the gym in his 20’s.
— MatzohNoSheTwitnt (@OhNoSheTwitnt) April 15, 2017
Ivanka: Bannon’s killin us with these leaks. Trump kids look like total idiots
— Father Guido SarDShK (@ZeddRebel) April 16, 2017
— Rob Major (@RobMajor4) April 15, 2017
— Seth Goodtime (@SethGoodtime) April 15, 2017
— Jenuinely GIFted (@StillNotJenna) April 16, 2017
@DonaldJTrumpJr North Korea’s threatening nuclear war, 43 million Americans live in poverty, and your dad’s under FBI investigation. Cool shirt though.
— Seth Grahame-Smith (@sethgs) April 15, 2017