Twitter Is Roasting Donald Trump Jr. Over His Weird Woodsy Photo Shoot For The New York Times
"How is he so bad at sitting?"

I don’t think I’m going out on a limb here when I say Donald Trump Jr. seems like a fairly unpleasant individual. Whether he’s posing next to dead animals or comparing refugees to poisoned skittles, the US President’s oldest son is not an easy man to like – which is probably why social media users have reacted to his recent profile in The New York Times will such glee.
The three-and-a-half thousand word profile paints Trump Jr. as more rugged and outdoorsy than his father or sister Ivanka, waxing poetic about his fondness for firearms and his summers spent “hunting and fishing with his maternal grandfather in the woods of what was then Czechoslovakia.” FORGET HIS FATHER’S BILLIONS, HE’S JUST A REGULAR PERSON JUST LIKE YOU!
But the real gold comes in the form of the following photograph of a flannel-clad Trump Jr. sitting on a tree stump on the family estate in New York, gazing off into the distance as if pondering the mysteries of the universe while at the same time digesting a particularly hearty lunch.
Donald Trump Jr. decided early on not to measure himself against his father
— The New York Times (@nytimes) March 18, 2017
Twitter users was quick to pounce on the image, and let’s just say that this is one of those days when I’m really glad that website exists.
"why doesn't father invite me to any of the fancy meetings?"
— Jordan Uhl (@JordanUhl) March 18, 2017
When you return to the spot where your father made you kill your first hobo.
— The Rude Pundit (@rudepundit) March 18, 2017
Donald Trump Jr. looks like a scarecrow that a bank leaves on a foreclosed farm.
— Josh Gondelman (@joshgondelman) March 18, 2017
#donaldtrumpjr #DonJR
— elzorro✊? (@elzorro90163962) March 18, 2017
how is he so bad at sitting?
— Jordan Freiman (@JordanFreiman) March 18, 2017
Donald Trump Jr. in the Oval Office. "Father, I have logged on. Father?"
— Stephen Carroll (@StephenTweeted) March 18, 2017
"Donald Trump Jr. standing on the exact spot where America used to be"
— Richard Littler (@richard_littler) March 18, 2017