Melissa McCarthy Crushed It On ‘SNL’ As White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer

Move over Alec Baldwin.

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Saturday Night Live was in fine form over the weekend as the writers continued to mine the comedic goldmine that is Trump’s administration. The episode started with Alec Baldwin mocking the now infamous phonecall between Trump and Malcolm Turnbull, before guest host Kristen Stewart took the President to task over his unhealthy obsession with her love life.

But the highlight of the night came when Melissa McCarthy stepped out as Trump’s hapless, argumentative press secretary Sean Spicer. You may know him as the guy currently gaslighting our Prime Minister.

“I know that myself and the press have gotten off to a rocky start,” began McCarthy. “When I say rocky start I mean it in the sense of Rocky the movie, because I came out here to punch you in the face, and also I don’t talk so good.”

“As you know, President Trump announced his supreme court pick on national TV today,” she continued. “When he entered the room the crowd greeted him with a standing ovation which lasted a full 15 minutes.

“Everyone was smiling. Everyone was happy. The men all had erections and every single one of the women was ovulating left and right.”

The sketch also made fun of Spicer’s adversarial relationship with the press, with McCarthy booing and insulting journalists while dodging their questions. “I will put you in the corner with CNN,” she threatens at one point, while gesturing to a CNN reporter locked in a cage wearing a nappy.

The real Spicer has previously described SNL‘s depiction of his boss as “inappropriate”, “not funny” and “a left-wing hit piece”. So yeah, can’t imagine he’ll be a huge fan of this week’s ep.

Fingers crossed that McCarthy’s version of Spicer becomes a recurring character like Baldwin’s Trump. Just quietly, we reckon she’d have a field day with the President Trumble fiasco.