Let’s All Enjoy Some More Hilarious Reactions To The Fyre Festival Fiasco
Like most people, I have long operated under the assumption that Ja Rule peaked way back in 2001 with the release of ‘Always on Time’ featuring Ashanti. Like most people, I was wrong.
As it turns out, Mr Rule’s entire music career – his Grammy nominations, his feud with 50 Cent, his time spent in prison for tax evasion – was all just a teaser for his greatest feat: convincing wealthy millennials to fork out thousands of dollars and then abandoning them off the coast of Miami.
By now, you’ve no doubt heard about the clusterfuck that was the Fyre Festival. If you haven’t, try and imagine if a dumpster fire had a baby with a ten car pile-up, and then that baby was abandoned on the island from Lord of the Flies. Basically it was like that.
Ja Rule has since claimed the fiasco was not his fault, although if you ask me he’s being modest. If there’s one thing I’ve come to expect from the man who once said “you never thought I’d make you smile while I’m smackin’ your ass and fuckin’ you all wild”, it’s modesty.
Besides, if anything, we should all be thanking him. The #FyreFestival hashtag has been spitting out comedy gold for days now, with people falling over themselves to mock the shit out of the festival and the people caught up in its wake.
Is it cruel? Perhaps. But also, it’s very, very funny.
? #FyreFestival lineup was ? pic.twitter.com/JFJadoGHkM
— edm (@edm) April 30, 2017
This is absolutely my favourite thing written about #FyreFestival pic.twitter.com/m7OgTXlLYS
— Cos Ryan (@CosRyan) April 29, 2017
more accurate #fyrefestival pitch by @adamplease pic.twitter.com/Uj2CcqbTBN
— Sarah Todd (@SarahLizChar) April 28, 2017
#fyrefestival right now pic.twitter.com/cNOH2XL1iB
— ryan was here (@omgitsryguy) April 28, 2017
From what I’ve heard of #fyrefestival, it sounds like it’s basically become Kamp Krusty. pic.twitter.com/fq2buM7aTa
— also named Bort. (@IHearRamonaSing) April 29, 2017
Rich guy on Twitter: your health/safety is not our responsibility
— Dan Sheehan (@ItsDanSheehan) April 28, 2017
The fact these kids aren’t making fire to at least grill their cheese sandwiches shows the level of incompetence #fyrefestival
— dculen (@deannaculen) April 29, 2017
Who struck a bigger blow against the monied oligarchy this year? #fyrefestival
— ? E.xpatriate ? (@realrickhamm) April 29, 2017
Gotta new theory for global revolution: we advertise an exclusive luxury festival happening just under this guillotine. #FyreFestival
— Jeff Sparrow (@Jeff_Sparrow) April 29, 2017
The twitter response to #FyreFestival is how I imagine the response to the incident on Jurassic World would be if it actually happened.
— Dave Hughes (@davehughesMHz) April 29, 2017
Never change, Twitter. Never change.
Feature image via Alice Mizrahi/Twitter