
America Is Still Fucking With “President Of Australia” Malcolm Turnbull

Or is it President Trumble? I'm honestly no longer sure.

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Alright America, you’ve had your little joke. But now you’re just being mean.

First President Trump yelled at our Prime Minister on the telephone. Then he said mean things about him on Twitter. Then his Press Secretary got the PM’s name wrong. Then his Press Secretary got his name wrong again.

Prime Minister Turnbull has yet to really respond to the situation. Maybe he thinks he’s maintaining an air of quiet dignity (he isn’t) or hopes that if he doesn’t fight back the bullies will get bored and leave him alone (they won’t).

In any case, the latest blow to Turnbull’s ego was delivered overnight, when the White House issued a press release that included a list of foreign leaders Trump has spoken with since assuming the presidency. On that list? “The President of Australia”.

It’s interesting to note that in addition to his job title being wrong, Turnbull was the only one on the list who wasn’t mentioned by name. Which does makes a certain amount of sense. After all, if you can’t even pronounce it, what are the odds you know how to spell it?

I don’t know about you guys, but I can’t wait to see how America decides to fuck with Trumble next.