
Will Mcdonald On Everything From His Journey Into Acting To The Legacy Of Shrek

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It’s been a big year for Will Mcdonald. From capturing our hearts as the handsome eshay in Heartbreak High to shining on the stage in Darlinghurst Theatre Company’s production of Let The Right One In.

We sat down with Will to chat about his journey into acting and everything in between.

When was the first time that you knew that you wanted to be an actor?
I actually remember the first time I wanted to be an actor quite vividly. I was in year two and we were doing our end of year showcase to the parents of that year group. We were putting on a play of Wombat Stew and I was the dingo. So at the end when he has to eat the soup and die, I made my death scene go for a minute and a half. I dragged that thing out as long as I possibly could. That was what made me go, “oh I think this is what I want to do.”

Do you have a movie or TV show that you remember feeling moved by for the first time?
One of the earliest, most vivid memories I have of watching a film was Shrek. I remember at the end when Shrek’s in front of the congregation at the wedding and he’s confessing his love to Fiona, and Lord Farquaad is making a joke of it. But it’s one of the earliest memories I have of connecting with a character and feeling empathy for them and what they were going through. I just can’t believe that it’s Shrek. That’s such a silly answer.

Will McDonald of Heartbreak High stands with bum bag as his eshay character

(Image: Instagram)

Off the back of Heartbreak High you’ve been dubbed the country’s sexiest eshay. What are the top three items a sexy eshay has to have?
TNs, bum bag and then chain or ring. You’ve got to have some kind of jewellery and there’s a lot of variation. You can make it your own within that but I think you’ve got to have those three things. 

You’re currently starring in Let The Right One In at Darlinghurst Theatre. Tell us a bit about it.
Let The Right One In is a really beautiful, horrifying and tender story about these two outsiders. One who’s a teenage boy named Oscar who lives in this bland, bleak-looking housing estate on the edge of town. He goes on meeting this mysterious girl next door who’s just moved in the flat next to his and his Mum named Eely. She has a very interesting supernatural secret that makes her not like other girls. It’s about finding hope, finding love and connection with each other. 

It’s also very spooky, when was the last time that you felt spooked?
The last time that I felt spooked was actually when we were shooting Heartbreak High. One of the first things we shot is that cemetery party that you see in the first episode. I wasn’t really needed on set so I sort of just started taking a walk around and sussing the place out. And you realise that cemeteries at night when no one’s around and it is pitch black can be kinda creepy.

Let The Right One In runs until November 20th at Darlinghurst Theatre Company