Watching Other People Laugh At ‘Huey’s Kitchen’ Is The Best Way To Watch ‘Huey’s Kitchen’

Three Sydney comedians have been gathering together to film his best moments. It should not be as hilarious as it is.

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[Update October 16, 2016] This week’s video, titled “Iceblerg salad drizzled with house-made jizz”, may be the best one yet. You’re welcome. And also, I’m sorry.

Huey — aka Iain Hewitson — has been a fixture of Australian TV since Huey’s Cooking Adventures first launched on Seven in 1997. Almost 20 years and four shows later, his current series, Huey’s Kitchen, airs regularly on Channel Ten — and you’d be hard-pressed to find an Australian-raised adult who didn’t have some level of nostalgia tied to the delightfully tubby man and his adventurous suspenders.

To that end, three Sydney comedians — Zoe Norton Lodge (The Checkout, Story Club, and the author of ‘Almost Sincerely’), Mark Sutton (ABC Radio) and David Cunningham (the brilliant mind behind A Royal Day Out) — have been occasionally gathering together to watch the show, and capture the best of its essence.

In the first video posted of the series, back in August 2014, they take note of Huey’s tendency for abundance:

In the second, ‘Danse-Anchovie’, they document his near-undoing at the hands of an anchovy jar:

Here, the trio watch in awe and delight as he breaks his own pepper record:

And in a video uploaded this morning, he highlights the importance of hygiene by way of his flour-clad, sausage-like fingers.

“Huey is the reason we wake up in the morning,” the trio wrote in a statement to Junkee. “He is our guiding star. When all about is chaos, Huey is our rock, our anchor, our raison d’etre. Never change, Prince Huey.”