
You Need To Watch This Toy Story Spoof Of The Recent Leadership Spill Clusterfuck

Featuring Peter Dutton as Mr Potato Head, of course.

Insiders ABC

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The past couple of weeks in Australian politics has been some of the most chaotic: we lost a Prime Minister, gained a lot of new cabinet ministers, and also lost a lot of faith in our political leadership.

Fortunately, we also gained a lot of excellent spoof content: like the hilarious school captain leadership challenge skits from The Feed.

And now we’ve been blessed with another one.

Insiders ABC video editor Huw Parkinson has put together a mock-up of Toy Story that includes Malcolm Turnbull as Woody, Scott Morrison as Buzz Lightyear, Tony Abbott as Sid, and Julie Bishop as Jesse the cowgirl.

“Now I know you may think that I’m 62, I’m too old,” Turnbull-as-Woody begins in the video. “I can assure you I’ll be a PM for a very long time, will run in the 2019 election and will win.”


There is, of course, the sad scene of Woody/Turnbull being kicked out the back of a truck — and a genius moment where Mr Potato Head/Dutton is joined by three “au pairs”.

Check it all out here: