
Tony Abbott Has Mistakenly Assumed You Would Like To Hear His Thoughts On Abortion

The ex-PM called the recent abortion decriminalisation bill "inhuman."

Tony Abbott concession speech election

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Tony Abbott.

There’s a name you were probably hoping that you wouldn’t hear for a while, hey?

After all, the ex-PM has been roundly rejected by pretty much every group associated with the democratic process. His mates in the Liberal party asked him to go away, and then, earlier this year, the people of his electorate loudly asked him to go away. Even as Scott Morrison, the world’s least memorable person, managed to sweep a surprising election win, Tony Abbott simply could not muster up enough affection from the general public to secure a seat.

Thus, you’d be in your rights to expect that we might see the back of Abbott for a while. In your rights, but also incorrect.

Yep, as Nick O’Malley of The Sydney Morning Herald has reported, the ex-PM and noted onion-biter has offered up his two cents on the recent abortion decriminalisation bill.

The bill, which was voted through parliament 59 to 31 on August 8, came after weeks of debate. One of the most memorable moments of the entire process was delivered via Jenny Leong, Greens MP, who summarised the whole back-and-forth in one concise soundbite.

“I have one simple message: if you don’t like abortions, don’t have an abortion,” Leong said.

Considerably less concise, or accurate, or humane, was Abbott, who appeared this week at a conservative conference to offer his own thoughts on the matter. According to Abbott, the country has lost its “moral anchor points”, which is pretty rich coming from a man who helped speed along an environmental apocalypse that will cost the lives of animals and humans alike.

“Restoring [the anchor points] is no simple task,” he said. “They used to be anchored in the Christian faith. Faith is a gift, some people have it, some people don’t.”

Citing the bill as evidence that Australia has made “death on demand” an element of life in this country, the ex-PM argued that we have adopted “fundamentally inhuman positions.”

To which many of us would probably say: righto, seeya later mate.