
A Politician Just Proposed To His Boyfriend In Parliament And It Was Incredibly Sweet

Sometimes politics is good.

Tim Wilson

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Liberal MP Tim Wilson has proposed to his partner Ryan Bolger during an emotional speech in the House of Representatives this morning, after the same-sex marriage bill was introduced into the lower house this today

In what must be the first marriage proposal to occur in parliament, the extremely sweet moment was met with applause from the chamber, after Bolger, who was present in the gallery, said yes. The pair have actually been engaged for nine years, but there’s nothing wrong with reaffirming your love during such an emotional moment.

Regardless of how you feel about Wilson’s questionable politics, it’s still nice to see people in love, especially considering the emotional wringer that same-sex couples have been put through during and after the postal survey on marriage equality.

A swift intervention by the acting Speaker ensured that Bolger’s positive affirmation was duly record in Hansard.

“Should let Hansard note to record that was a yes, a resounding yes,” said Deputy Speaker Rob Mitchell. “Congratulations. Well done mate.”

In his speech on the same-sex marriage bill, Wilson begged the indulgence of the Speaker as he addressed how the same-sex marriage debate has acted as a kind of “soundtrack” to his own relationship with Bolger.

“The person I have to thank the most is my partner Ryan” Wilson said emotionally, visibly choked up.

“We both know this issue isn’t the reason we got into politics – give us tax reform any day. But in my first speech, I defined our bond by the ring that sits on both our left hands and they are the answer to the questions we cannot ask.  So, there’s only one thing left to do – Ryan Patrick Bolger, will you marry me?’

Same-sex marriage legislation was introduced in the House of Representatives this morning and is expected to pass easily, as it did through the Senate last week. Once it’s through, I’m sure we can enjoy a rash of proposals from long-term couples who have been waiting for Australia’s laws to finally change.