The Dweebs Who Made An MRA Edit Of ‘The Last Jedi’ Are Being Roasted Online
No women in MY space-wizard film, thank you!

In another edition of “astounding wastes of time that actively make the world a worse place,” an MRA advocate has uploaded an entire edit of Star Wars: The Last Jedi that removes every woman from the film. And naturally, people are asking a simple yet powerful question: why?
To the MRAs who created the 46 minute fan edit of The Last Jedi erasing the female characters:
— Remember, Remember Vote the 6th of November (@stuckinspincycl) January 15, 2018
Rian Johnson’s new instalment in the blockbuster franchise has been met with polarised reviews, in the sense that the majority of critics enjoyed it, while a vocal minority of manbabies detested it, mostly because it’s full of women.
A great example of this is the targeted attack on the film’s rating on the review site Rotten Tomatoes, which led to a 40% discrepancy between the critic and audience reviews, and which was later claimed by the “alt-right” as a manufactured backlash.
Saw The Last Jedi. Can definitely see why all the whining little MRA Nazi dudes hate it. All the same reasons I found it delightful ?
— Jamie Killen (@jamieskillen) January 1, 2018
The goal is never to divide or make people upset, but I do think the conversations that are happening were going to have to happen at some point if sw is going to grow, move forward and stay vital.
— Rian Johnson (@rianjohnson) December 21, 2017
While many people express their dislike of The Last Jedi through complicated gripes about the supposed rules of a universe populated by space wizards, many nerds are more blatant about simply hating the prominence of women in the story, and the supposed castration of the men as a result. Enter our MRA film editing hero:
As reported in Pedestrian, an anonymous user uploaded a film called “The Last Jedi: De-Feminized Fanedit” to Pirate Bay, which they have described as “basically The Last Jedi minus Girlz Powah and other silly stuff“. The resulting film is a tight 46 minutes long, and features, amongst other edits, the complete removal of Laura Dern’s Huldo, “female” fighters and pilots having “ideas”, and Poe’s demotion by Leia. He also gets rid of Luke’s love for green milk, which I guess we shouldn’t think too deeply about and how it affects men’s rights.
Naturally, people are roasting the supreme sadness of this popular and well adjusted individual, as well as the general fragility of masculinity.
Let's be honest, the MRA neckbeard that made an edit of The Last Jedi without all the women was just trying to mirror his own womanless life.
— Ron Swanson (@RevRonster) January 16, 2018
It is impossible not to look at "MRA Star Wars" and not turn your nearest male friend to say, "come get your boys." While sobbing with laughter.
— The Love Hater (@taterpie) January 15, 2018
"Nice Guys" finish editing last
— Peter Marino (@nycitywonk) January 15, 2018
Does the 46 minute MRA Last Jedi cut edit out Poe hugging BB8 because feelings aren’t alpha? I must know.
— Megan Want Kenobi (@themeganpurdy) January 15, 2018
The MRAs who edited all the "feminism" out of LAST JEDI have reached a new and previously unknown level of Mad Online™. We might actually be seeing Mad Online™ Nirvana here.
— Scott Wampler™ (@ScottWamplerBMD) January 15, 2018
MRA's: We're not sexist, we want equality. That's were removing all the women from Star Wars, Star Trek, Little Women, Jackie Brown, Frances Ha, Ghostbusters, Wonder Woman, Terminator, every Porno, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, Educating Rita…
— Jonathan Eilbeck (@JonathanEilbeck) January 15, 2018
I literally can’t stop laughing at this MRA edit of The Last Jedi.
— Splenda Papi (@coucouaaron) January 16, 2018
— Joanna Robinson (@jowrotethis) January 15, 2018