
Ten inspiring Leslie Knope quotes that will motivate you to get through exams

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If only we had the enthusiasm and motivation towards uni work as Leslie Knope does towards parks. Or Ann Perkins. Or any of her friends for that matter. Known for her carefully curated binders and overbearing encouragement, there are so many times Leslie Knope has spouted wisdom that we can relate to, particularly as we go through the stressful exam period.

“We have to remember what’s important in life: friends, waffles and work. Or waffles, friends, work. But work has to come third.”

Preach Knope! When you’re hardcore cramming for the upcoming exams, remember that taking a break is important. Particularly when that break involves friends and food.

 (Voicemail message) “Hey Leslie. It’s Leslie. Hang in there. I love you. Bye.”

Feeling like you’re snowed under with revision (or learning content for the first time) for all of your subjects? You’re not alone. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a note from Leslie’s book – send yourself a motivational voicemail message or leave positive sticky notes around your study area.

"Organising my agenda. Wait, that doesn't sound fun … jammin' on my planner!"

Be inventive with your notes and study might actually be fun (not likely, but it’s worth a shot). If you come up with creative names for topics and rhymes for study notes, it might actually help you remember yo shit.

 “I just slept seven hours, which is twice as long as I usually sleep, so I’m a little disoriented.”

While we could lecture you that sleep is important blah blah blah, sometimes it’s unrealistic to expect an early bed time during the exam period. But if you can get to bed by midnight, instead of 3am, you’ll be grateful in the morning.

“I’m cried out but I want to cry more so I’m rehydrating.”

There’s nothing wrong with a pre-exam freak-out cry. Also never undestimate the power of staying hydrated while studying.

“There’s nothing we can’t do if we work hard, never sleep and shirk all other responsibilities in our lives.”

While more likely to appear on a demotivational poster, this quote still has some value. It’s all about (excuse the cheesiness) believing in yourself! There’s nothing you can’t do!

Naturally during exams, other responsibilities get neglected, but make sure you prioritise. It’s still important to keep your social life, friends and sanity, but you’ll be forgiven if you put off cleaning your room for another couple of weeks…

 “I always carry emergency s’more rations in my car.”

Possibly one of the most important rules of study, be sure to keep an emergency supply of chocolate (or your snack of choice) handy. No dieting rules should apply during exams – you’re going to need sugar to get you through and make you feel better about exams drawing closer.

"I need you to text me every 30 seconds that everything is going to be OK."

This is solid advice for not going through exams alone. Make sure you have a study buddy, even if you’re not actually studying in the same room. Receiving a motivational “You can do it” text from a friend could be all you need to push through and avoid throwing in the towel when it all becomes too much.

“I am super chill all the time!”

She may have shouted this as opposed to saying it calmly and quietly, but it nevertheless is some important advice for the exam period. Keep your cool and make sure you give yourself enough time to relax so you don’t burn out.

 “You go big or you go home.”

You tell ‘em Les! You only have a few weeks where you have to lock yourself in your bedroom and cram like hell, so make sure you do it right. There will be plenty of free time when you finish (sooooo much free time) so take smart breaks instead of just bludging your STUVAC away.

Image: Parks and Recreation official Facebook page