“I Was Telling The Truth”: Taylor Swift Responds To Leaked Footage Of ‘Famous’ Kanye Phone Call
"[It was] manipulated in order to frame me and put me, my family, and fans through hell for four years."

Taylor Swift has hit back at Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, claiming that they “framed her” and put her through four years of Hell.
This story begins, as you probably remember, years ago, when Swift objected to a line in West’s ‘Famous’ where he claimed the two could “still have sex”, while calling the reputation singer a “bitch”.
In response to Swift’s public sledging of the line and West’s behaviour, Kardashian released a section of a phone call in which West appeared to get permission from Swift to reference her in the song.
At the time, Swift noted that the recording of the conversation had been illegally obtained — two-party law requires the other person on a phone call to know they are being recorded. She also said that the clip had been taken out of context. But that didn’t stop many thousands of Kardashian/West fans from hounding the singer for years.
Well, looks like T. Swift has the last laugh: earlier this week, more footage leaked of the infamous phone call between the two, proving that Swift was right. On the call, she’s clearly uncomfortable about West’s request, and when he comes to asking her approval, he feeds her a different line than the one that ended up on the song.
U kanye west and kim kardashian veryyyy lier #KanyeWestIsOverParty #TaylorToldTheTruth pic.twitter.com/JJLtJ0XZi1
— Muh.Ayyub (@MuhAyyu07656992) March 22, 2020
Now, in response to the new information, Swift has referenced the feud on her Instagram stories.
“Instead of answering those who are asking how I feel about the video footage that was leaked, proving that I was telling the truth the whole time about *that call* (you know, the one that was illegally recorded, that somebody edited and manipulated in order to frame me and put me, my family, and fans through hell for four years…)” Swift wrote. “Swipe up to see what really matters.”
And that swipe-up? It led to a donation page for The World Health Organisation and Feeding America.
.@TaylorSwift13 takes to her Instagram story to address the leaked footage of the full phone call between her and Kanye West by encouraging fans to donate to The World Health Organization and Feeding America. pic.twitter.com/B8nAuamgGc
— Pop Crave (@PopCrave) March 23, 2020
“If you have the ability to, please join me in donating during this crisis,” Swift wrote.
Photo Credit: AP Photo/Jason DeCrow