You Can Now Tap On To Sydney Trains With Your Credit Card Instead Of An Opal Card
Just make sure you don't accidentally tap on with both!
You can now tap on to Sydney trains with your credit card or phone instead of an Opal card, and you know what this means: keep your wallet away from that Opal reader lest you accidentally tap on with all your cards at once and swiftly go broke!!
Here’s how the new contactless payment system works: you can now tap on at an Opal card reader using an Opal card, a credit or debit card (American Express, Mastercard and Visa cards all work), or your phone/watch/wearable device if it’s set up for contactless payments. You also need to remember to tap off with the same card/phone/device.
Don't chuck your Opal card in the bin though. Credit cards miss out on lots of the Opal benefits like off-peak fares.
— Matt Bevan ? (@MatthewBevan) November 26, 2018
While the new system’s pretty great for those situations when your Opal card is missing or out of funds, it’s probably worth hanging on to that Opal card for the long run if you want your discounts and benefits. According to Transport NSW, if you make sure you’re tapping on and off with the same credit card or device you “may” qualify for things like daily, weekly and Sunday fare caps, but you won’t get other Opal benefits like cheaper off-peak fares.
But Is It Easier To Fare Evade With Contactless Payments On Sydney Trains?
Now, I know what you’re thinking: how does the new system affect fare evasion? Well, depending on your personal ethics you will be either elated or disappointed to hear that transit cops will still be able to check your credit card/phone/wearable to make sure you’ve paid your fare. You can read all about how that will work here.
Oh, and unfortunately for Meow-Ludo Disco Gamma Meow-Meow, the new contactless payment system still does not appear to accept bits of Opal cards embedded in your body. No word yet on whether the system will accept bits of your credit card and/or phone embedded in your body, though. Maybe it’s time for another crack?