This Spotify Plug-In Turns Your Top Tracks Into An Instagram Ready Receipt
But only, you know, if it's not too embarrassing to post.
Finding out your top tracks on Spotify is only ever a click (or two) away, but now, streamer Michelle Liu has created a plug-in to make your data picture perfect and ready to post. Introducing ‘Receiptify’, a plug-in that transforms your top tracks into a shopping receipt.
Liu, @fullcontrol on Twitter, tweeted out her invention on Sunday — before long, it had blown well and truly beyond her 200 followers. Liu had spent a day coding the site after being inspired by @albumreceipts, an Instagram account that posts album tracklists as if they were printed on a custom receipt. See:
Once you log in with Spotify, the plug-in will generate receipts for your top 10 tracks of the last month, last 6 months or all-time. Be warned, it might be a little revealing or a reminder of that day you listened to Imogen Heap’s ‘Hide And Seek’ on repeat for nine hours straight.
Go generate your own receipts here. Liu is asking for a couple of dollars to help host the plug-in, as it needs a bigger, paid server thanks to all the attention it’s gotten — her Venmo is michelle-liuu.