This Hilarious SNL Sketch Will Make All Pop-Punk Obsessives Die A Little Inside
This is a little too real for millennials.

“Hey Dylan — take the lip-ring out, it’s against company policy.” And so begins the SNL sketch ‘Corporate Nightmare Song’, a very apt parody of all the pop-punk we listened to in the naughts.
Kristen Stewart hosted the most recent episode of Saturday Night Live, and as part of her episode, indulged in one of the show’s most beloved staples: song parody. They don’t always work, but when they do, they’re a goddamn delight. ‘Twin Bed’? Genuinely perfect.
In this skit, Stewart plays a young punk in a corporate job, raging against the machine. It starts off pretty standard — in fact it’s almost shot for shot, word for word a Blink 182 or Sum 41 vehicle, with lines like:
“But white-collar life don’t work, you see, ’cause I ain’t no corporate worker bee.”
However, the twist, the conceit, the comedic game, is when Stewart’s character “Tina” begins to be beguiled by the joys of stable office work — something which a lot of people in their late twenties/ early thirties can possibly over-relate to.
“Let’s dive right in, let’s work together — blue sky the whole thing, make the good ideas better!”
Anyway! It’s funny. There’s a nice little note of physical comedy right at the end which just rounds it up.
Watch it now!