
Sky News Tried To Drag Jacinda Ardern And It Backfired Spectacularly

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Sky News, Jacinda Ardern, Alan Jones

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In the annals of journalism history, we sometimes talk about legends like Woodward & Bernstein or Walter Cronkite, or perhaps you think of Australia’s own Laurie Oakes and Kate McClymont. Well, step forward Unidentified Sky News Reporter, because today is your day.

This morning, Sky News “exclusively” reported that it had “unearthed” a tweet from 2012, in which New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern called controversial broadcaster Alan Jones a “git” (true) and said he wasn’t very well liked (also true).

Here is the heinous tweet in question:

The Sky News tweet linked to 125-word story, which breathlessly reported the tweet as though it was news, quoting New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters saying that the tweet was “very unlike Jacinda”. Ardern declined to comment.

Here are some other things that happened in 2012: Christian Bale played Batman for the third time, Gangnam Style was the biggest song in the world, a tribunal found that Alan Jones incited the Cronulla race riots, and Jones said Julia Gillard’s father died of shame, and

In fact, that story was reported a day before Ardern sent her tweet. That might explain things

Presumably, this is Sky’s attempt to drag Ardern down to the same level Jones spends most of his life at. The broadcaster came under fire in August for saying he wanted to “shove a sock” down Ardern’s throat. I think we can all agree there’s a difference between calling someone a git and suggesting they be assaulted.

Jones, who has a history of attacking powerful women and using offensive racial slurs live on air, lost several of his sponsors and was forced to apologise for the comments, saying they were never meant to be taken literally.

The Sky News story is currently given the dragging it deserved on Twitter.

Anyway, congrats to everyone at Sky News who was involved in the production of this story, and our thoughts and prayers go out to Jones, who must be suffering form third degree burns because a woman called him a git seven years ago.