‘The Simpsons’ Has Savaged The Trump Administration In A Brutal New Promo

They literally kill Sean Spicer.

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The Simpsons may be well past its comedic prime, but that doesn’t mean the show doesn’t still have its moments. Case in point: the writers have weighed in on Trump’s first 100 days in office, and honestly it’s one of the most scathing things they’ve produced in about a decade.

The 90 second promo clip starts in brutal fashion, with a shot of Sean Spicer hanging himself from the rafters in the White House Press Room. It then takes us into the Commander-in-Chief’s bedroom, where Trump rattles off his long list of accomplishments. “Lowered my golf handicap, my Twitter following increased by 700, and finally we can shoot hibernating bears,” he gloats to himself.

We also get a look at Trump’s latest Supreme Court appointee, while Grandpa Simpson finds himself on the wrong side of tough new laws around immigration.

But the writers save their most depressing bit until last, pointing out that we’re still only 6.8% of the way through this four year waking nightmare. God help us. God help us all.