
Surprise, Surprise, The Candidate Scott Morrison Hand-Picked For Warringah Is A TERF

Morrison has called her an "outstanding individual."

katherine deves

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A deep dive into the social media accounts of Liberal candidate Katherine Deves, who was hand-picked by Scott Morrison for the seat of Warringah, has revealed a plethora of transphobic content.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has praised Deves this week for standing up for “common sense” after she proposed banning trans women from female sport, calling her an “outstanding individual.”

“Katherine is, you know, an outstanding individual. And she‘s standing up for things that she believes in, and I share her views on those topics. This is just about, you know, common sense and what’s right. And I think Katherine’s right on the money there,” said Morrison.

However, a deeper dive into her social media accounts — which have since been deleted — raises some questions about exactly what those views are.

“They will not stand for seeing vulnerable children surgically mutilated and sterilised,” said Deves in a now-deleted tweet seen by News Corp.

“The lawsuits will be legion, as will be the government inquiries. Complete failure of safeguarding. Mark my words.”

In a separate post made just last year, Deves asserted that the rainbow pride flag “triggered” her.

“I get triggered by it,‘’ she said. “Whenever I see it on social media I think ‘What now? What are they demanding now?’ And I grew up with gay relatives and siblings and hung out in Surry Hills and X in Sydney in the 1990s.

“Lots of LGB family and friends, their movement has been destroyed.”

The news comes after Zali Steggall — who currently holds the seat of Warringah — called out Morrison for supporting discriminatory, anti-trans proposals.

Deves has since apologised for the comments in a statement provided to News Corp.

“My advocacy for the rights and safety of women and girls is well known, and I stand by my desire to ensure we protect the safety of women and girls and our entire community,’’ she said.

“However, the language I used was not acceptable, and for that I apologise.

“My commitment is to continue listening to the views of people in Warringah, and the broader community – I will do this in a respectful way.”