Scott Morrison Just Took A Swipe At The NSW Environmental Minister Over Climate Change
"Matt Kean doesn't know what he's talking about" said our Prime Minister.

Last month, NSW politician Matt Kean became one of the first Liberals to really acknowledge how bad climate change is.
If there’s any bright-eyed optimists still out there, you might have felt a glimmer of hope — maybe the tide was turning in the Liberal party? Maybe it’s the start of a new era in climate change policy? Maybe our race to the bottom is over?
Well, today I am here to disappoint you.
This morning Prime Minister Scott Morrison took an extremely personal swipe at the fellow Liberal politician.
“Matt Kean doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” he said.
I mean … he’s literally the New South Wales Environmental Minister but sure ScoMo, go off.
“Most of the federal cabinet wouldn’t even know who Matt Kean was,” our Prime Minister went on to say, which surely reflects way worse on them than it does on Matt. “Matt can focus on hazard reduction; I’ll focus on emissions reduction.”
So according to #ScottyfromMarketing Craig Kelly – the climate change denier – is entitled to his views – but Matt Kean – who follows the science – doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Pretty well sums up the current state of #auspol #AuspolSoCorrupt
— ?? Denise Shrivell (@deniseshrivell) January 20, 2020
Morrison’s attempted sledge of Matt Kean is huge own goal.
Is his Cabinet so incompetent they don’t know NSW Environment minister in the largest state in the Commonwealth, who is a member of their own party?
If true, sums up their intent to do nothing on #climatechange. #auspol— ?Mike Wayville (@MikeWayville) January 20, 2020
It’s a bit concerning the federal government don’t know who state ministers are, especially environment ministers, especially when they’re in the same party.
— Briar Rose (@_Briar_Rose) January 19, 2020
That’s straight out of the Trump Petulant Putdown Playbook.
— ?Carl Stevens (@stevens_carl) January 19, 2020
Just what everyone wants to hear from the man who literally bought a lump of coal into parliament.
The comments came after Matt — who, as we already said, is a state MP — told Sky News some of the most senior members of the federal government were unhappy with Morrison’s climate policies.
“They’re not moderates, they’re from the right of the party,” he said.
“Their communities are crying out; they’re listening to the majority of people in their electorates that are saying we want you to protect our environment, but we don’t want you to do it in a way that’s going to destroy our economy.”
It’s not the first time Kean has called out his own party; he’s been happily subtweeting them for a while now.
2019 capped the hottest decade on record, say NASA and NOAA – The Washington Post.
— Matt Kean MP (@Matt_KeanMP) January 15, 2020
His comments last month were what prompted Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack to lash out and blame kids for causing the bushfires.
“This year is the second hottest year in New South Wales’ history, following last year which was the hottest year in New South Wales’ history,” Matt said at the time.
“We’re seeing a record drought which is the worst in living memory and we’re seeing these extreme bushfires. There are all the things scientists told us would happen as a result of climate change.”
Looks like there’s a bit of tension in the government, and we would be here for it (if it didn’t drastically affect the viability of the planet).
The first question for every front bencher interviewed this week should be “Do you know who Matt Kean is?”
— ?PollyNeedsaCracker (@PollyNCracker) January 19, 2020