Please Enjoy This Brutal And Fantastic Centrelink ‘Infomercial’ Explaining The Debt Fuck Up
"We're sending out a clear message to poor people that this government fucking hates you".

Are you one of the lucky Australians who has been sent a letter by Centrelink demanding that you owe them thousands of dollars? Furthermore, was the letter you received a mistake?
Centrelink’s dodgy new automated debt recovery system has resulted in many welfare recipients receiving notice that they must deliver thousands of dollars in overpayments from up to six years ago, despite them having been eligible for said payments at the time. Given Centrelink is meant to assist some of the most vulnerable Australians, it’s safe to say that this avoidable fuck up has caused excessive and unnecessary stress for many.
Today comedic group, The Juice Media, has nailed Australia’s frustration with Centrelink. “Did you know that one in five people who received our letter didn’t actually owe us money at all? We knew this, we just thought it would be more fun to force you to prove yourself innocent!” the faux-Centrelink ad explains. “It’s not like you bludgers have anything better to do!”
The video shows us that in order to distract us from the real bludgers, the government is focusing on the “most vulnerable Australians”. After all, the algorithm is doing exactly what they want it to: “sending out a clear message to poor people that this government fucking hates you”.