This Mutant Possum In Melbourne Named Pikachu Is All I Want To Talk About Today
We are yet to confirm if it can harness and discharge bolts of electricity.
If the X-Men has taught us anything, it’s that mutants are really fucking cool. This fact is now proven by real life, with news of a mutant yellow possum in Melbourne — obviously and adorably named Pikachu.
Boronia Veterinary Clinic in Melbourne’s east picked up the vibrant little gal last month noting how a rare genetic mutation has left it with abnormally large ears and golden, yellowish fur. Only five-months-old, the vets assume Pikachu fell from her mother’s back at some point before being found by a member of the public.
Here’s the beautiful little mutant in full HD, via The Age:
Hello! Also, I love you!
Ohhhhhmyyyyyygoooodddd I want to boop it on the shnoz so bad right now!
In sad (yet kinda adorable?) news Pikachu will not be released back into the wild. The vets reckon her super light fur colouring will not only isolate her from other brush-tail possums but actually invite nasty predators.
Dr Kath Handasyde from Melbourne University’s School of Biosciences tells The Age how “one of the issues with unusual colours, particularly if they are pale, is this is a nocturnal animal and if they are pale they are obvious to predators like an owl.”
Hmm, keeping Pikachu out of nature forever? Bad. Doing so to save it from being shredded by mean, horrible owls? GOOD!
An actual angel.
Whilst the mutation in question apparently only affects Pikachu’s skin and ears due to a lack of melanin production, it’s still unclear if it has also imbued the wondrous possum with the ability to produce and expel high volumes of electricity.
It’s only a baby Pikachu, so maybe it needs to level up a bit more before we can be sure. It probably only has Tail Whip and Quick Attack at this point so we’re happy to wait.
Godspeed Pika, we love you.
NO! Not you Detective Pikachu. Go away!
Via The Age.