‘PEN15’ Has An Entire Episode About AIM Chatrooms, And We’re All Cringing From Embarrassment
"I binged PEN15 last night and now I'm having PTSD flashbacks about the time my crush said I was "lame" for using the word "random" on MSN in 2003."

PEN15, a new series about two awkward 13-year-old girls navigating middle school in the year 2000, is incredibly cringe-inducing, sweet viewing.
The show, which is streaming on Stan, was created by Maya Erskine, Anna Konkle, and Sam Zvibleman, and executive produced by Andy Samberg.
It stars Erskine and Konkle, who are in their 30s, as versions of themselves at 13, though the rest of the cast is age-appropriate. Some people don’t quite get the joke.
I really want to like Pen15 on Hulu, but I teach 7th grade and it’s so obvious these are full grown women. pic.twitter.com/aMCGSeLpp0
— Teacher Confessions (@ConfessingTeach) February 14, 2019
Of all its episodes, it’s ‘AIM’, an episode entirely dedicated to the long-dead chatrooms of the early 2000s, that has really thrown people into a head- spin. In ‘AIM’, Anna and Maya create accounts to talk to school-friends and strangers online, using their living-room computers and dial-up internet to connect to the World Wide Web.
Just try to watch this scene and not die a little inside.
AIM kids know that feel ? ?#Pen15 #hulu pic.twitter.com/Hna1uCrkYr
— ?トーサー • 〔≡_≡〕 ? (@somegaveall) February 15, 2019
Watching Maya falls in love with ‘FlyMiamiBro22’ and Anna try to talk to boys from school has prompted a lot of people on Twitter to recall their own awkward AIM/MSN/Omegle days.
For many of us, it’s the particular AOL visuals and sounds that are really triggering memories.
PEN15's AOL-sounds (creaking door! AIM deedle-doop sound) are giving me crazy flashbacks.
— Emily Nussbaum (@emilynussbaum) February 14, 2019
The Pen15 AIM ep is everything. I can almost hear the moo sound as my crush Joey Casillo signed on in late 2003.
Gummibears451— Stephanie Mickus (@smickable) February 19, 2019
The accuracy of the episode — the petty fights, the anxiety you’d feel logging in to see your crush online, how you’d talk to people online you’d ignore at school — is absolutely crushing people.
the scene in pen15 where anna and maya are fighting over the keyboard bc they wanna aim boys is my entire middle school experience
— alexa macek (@AlexaMacek) February 21, 2019
The Pen15 AIM ep is everything. I can almost hear the moo sound as my crush Joey Casillo signed on in late 2003.
Gummibears451— Stephanie Mickus (@smickable) February 19, 2019
the accuracy of the AIM episode of Pen15 has wrecked me
— kate elizabeth russell (@GinnyMcCoo) February 17, 2019
Most of all, it’s making us reflect back on repressed memories, dumb things we said, and the weird-but-fine internet friendships we had online.
I binged PEN15 last night and now I'm having PTSD flashbacks about the time my crush said I was "lame" for using the word "random" on MSN in 2003
— Meg Watson (@msmegwatson) February 20, 2019
Watching @pen15show and thinking about boy AIM screen names back in the day. My hs boyfriend was “thepimp3369”. Probably should’ve been a red flag. ? #PEN15 #PEN15show pic.twitter.com/GaNPbB9alL
— Jen (@jenpoo82) February 21, 2019
Meg Watson, editor of Crickey (and once upon a time, of Junkee) felt a need to spread the cringe by asking her Twitter followers to share their most mortifying AOL/MSN stories. You can find them all over on Watson’s Twitter thread, but here are a few of our favourites.
I kissed a boy for the first time at a school dance and immediately became infatuated only to sign on the next day to see a heartbreaking ” ❤️Paige” on his screen name. Paige was the other girl he kissed at the school dance ?
— Jessica Lynch (@jesskalynch) February 21, 2019
I was once ‘set up’ with my classmate via all my friends creating an MSN group chat with us in it then all immediately leaving the chat. We painfully chatted for 20 minutes and we have never spoken again.
— Dom Powell (@domp) February 20, 2019
Meanwhile, some are reflecting on what could have been.
The AIM episode of #Pen15 inspired me to look up a girl that I had a “crush” on in elementary school on FB and she looks amazing and is a mom of four
In another life those kids are my own and we are living happily ever after. . .
— Emilio Bedelio (@CarlyRageJepsen) February 20, 2019
Pen15‘s first season is now streaming on Stan.