
One Nation Wants To Punish Kiwis Living In Australia Because of New Zealand’s Stance On Israel

Awwww no.

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One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts has called for “tougher” action against New Zealanders living in Australia after the New Zealand government co-sponsored a UN resolution condemning Israel’s settlements on Palestinian territory.

In a statement released today Roberts said: “Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party was appalled to see Australia’s Kiwi cousins co-sponsor the UN resolution.”

The resolution co-sponsored by New Zealand called on Israel to “immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory.” It was supported by the entire UN Security Council, except for the US who chose to abstain.

Even though One Nation’s beef is with the New Zealand government, Roberts proposes a series of “sanctions” targeting Kiwis living in Australia, which seems both counterproductive and incredibly dumb.

“At the very least we should look at further cutting benefits for New Zealanders living in Australia,” Roberts said. He has also called for a tougher immigration policy (how unlike One Nation!) targeting New Zealanders to prevent them from establishing “settlements”.

These latest proposals are a pretty big turnaround from One Nation’s official policy position on New Zealand (Yes, believe it or not they have one). The policy calls for social security laws to be amended so Kiwi’s living in Australia can access benefits more easily.

Why, you might ask? Because of Russell Crowe. Seriously.

According to the party’s New Zealand policy: “This would restore Russell Crowe’s eligibility for Australian citizenship. If Russell Crowe is good enough to be put on our Australian stamp as an Australian legend, then why deny him the right to become an Australian citizen if he so wishes.”

Why indeed!

I’m guessing they didn’t think about poor old Rusty when they announced their latest call for sanctions.