
One Direction’s Latest Music Video is an Acid-Induced Mindfuck Featuring Danny DeVito

The Night Man Cometh - part two.

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We all know there’s something a little off about Danny DeVito. Sometime in between playing the Penguin in Batman Returns and being a stripper in Friends, everyone realised he was kind of terrifying. All of those fears then came to a head in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. DeVito’s transformation from respected actor to the grotesque glue-huffing, sexual deviant that is Frank Reynolds is one of the most ungodly and genius things we’ve ever seen on television. But somehow he’s now reached a new low.

For some reason, Danny DeVito is in the latest One Direction music video ‘Steal My Girl’. Half-heartedly playing their director, DeVito watches over the superstar child men as they prance around a desert with sumo wrestlers, circus performers, a big brass band, a mime, and miscellaneous tribesmen holding balloons. Harry is dressed in a long leopard-print coat like a coke dealer from the 1980s, the lyrics are iffy at best — no girl “belongs” to you, you little jerks — and at one point Danny and Luis make emphatic hand gestures with a chimpanzee in sunglasses.

So many types of cringe.

We’d much rather re-watch the ‘Troll Toll‘ than have to decipher this total mindfuck. Here’s hoping it’s an integrated marketing campaign for Always Sunny — the clip could be used as footage of one of Frank’s acid trips gone wrong. Astonishing though it may seem, that’s the most logical conclusion we can draw from any of this.