Meet The Adorable Nine-Year-Old Girl Who Just Became The Internet’s New Hero

Her name is Junah Jang. Did we mention she's adorable?

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We need to talk about Junah Jang.

The precocious nine-year-old is my new favourite person in the whole world. She slays all other precocious nine-year-olds ‘Red Wedding’-style. Give her a minute and you’ll see why.

Jang has been chosen to play the role of Tessie in the upcoming Broadway revival of Annie, and was featured in the recent PBS documentary Annie: It’s The Hard-Knock Life, From Script To Stage. Here’s a video of her mum telling her she got the part.

There is so much to love about this kid that I don’t even know where to start. She has the poise and charisma of someone more than three times her age. I would know, because I’m more than three times her age, and I have a shitload of poise and charisma myself.


For another thing, her ‘are you fucking with me right now?’ look when her mum tells her the good news is just incredible:


When Annie is done, this kid should make a movie with Larry David.


Seriously, the two of them could give each-other the side-eye for two hours and I’d totally watch it.


Also, when she totally flips her lid at the end of the video, it’s really sweet and endearing.


Here’s some more Junah Jang realness for you.

FYI, her dream job is to be an ‘editor or robot programmer’. She may choose to combine the two and take Anna Wintour out with a giant robot.

Junah Jang, we salute you.