
Lily Allen Speaks Out On Why The #MeToo Movement Hasn’t Reached The Music Industry

"There is a strong likelihood that your abuser will be connected to someone who has direct control over your future."

Lily Allen

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If 2017 was defined by one thing, it was the #MeToo movement. Over the last six months we’ve watched as dozens of men have been called out as alleged sexual abusers, from Hollywood royalty to Australian television icons.

The reckoning has shaken the entertainment world to its core, but artists in the music industry have been comparably quiet.

There have been a few high profile allegations over the last few months: Crystal Castles’ Alice Glass accused her bandmate Ethan Kath of rape and assault in October (he’s since launched legal action against her), and Def Jam founder Russell Simmons stepped down from his companies in November after being accused of assaulting screenwriter Jenny Lumet in 1991 (five more women have since made allegations against him.)

But the music industry has largely avoided a Hollywood-style shakedown — which is curious, as sexism within the music landscape is generally regarded as rife.

This hasn’t escaped the attention of a number of people within the industry. Over the weekend, UK singer Lily Allen offered up her own explanation as to why we haven’t seen more musicians coming forward with allegations.

“The reason people in music aren’t coming forward in droves is because we’re all in decade long deals,” she wrote on Twitter. “Unlike film and TV where for the most part contracts last as long as any one project.

“Say you’re on album one of a five album deal. Music industry is a boys club, especially at executive level, if you report something and it goes nowhere, as is the case mostly, there is a strong likelihood that your abuser will be connected to someone who [has] direct control over your future.”

“Most people are very young and impressionable upon entering the music industry, a lot of people around offering ‘advice’,” she continued. “Those people often stand to benefit financially if victims keep their mouths shut.”

When a commenter pointed out that artists may also have been dissuaded from coming forward by Kesha’s highly public ordeal, Allen replied simply with “Yep.”

See the full thread from Allen below.