“Larry, I’m On Ducktales” Is The Class-Conscious Meme You Need To Start 2021
It's a meme about class consciousness, wealth disparity, and cartoon ducks.
2020 was, it will not surprise you to learn, a Very Bad Year. But if there’s one shimmering diamond that emerged in the trough of shit that was the last 12 months, it’s that the non-stop entitlement of celebrities provided a kind of entertainment all of its own.
From Gal Gadot’s unbearably tone deaf ‘Imagine’ video, featuring celebrities wandering around their massive mansions and pining about the horror of being trapped inside, to Aaron Paul mumbling about racism on his iPhone, 2020 was marked by the rich and famous showing their entire asses on social media.
And the yuks haven’t stopped, either. Just a week or so ago, Larry King provided a new depiction of just how divorced from reality celebrities can often be.
See, King was interviewing Danny Pudi, who you’ll probably know for his role as Abed on Community, though he’s appeared in a swathe of projects, including, memorably, the recent Ducktales reboot. At one point, King started prodding Pudi about the luxuries he enjoys in life. One example Pudi shared was good coffee.
But King wasn’t satisfied — coffee wasn’t a luxury, he said. It was just a staple. So Pudi tried again. Socks? But King was even more incensed.
Struggling, Pudi asked King for help — “what luxury I should have?” he asked.
“A private plane,” King purred.
And then, Pudi shot back the retort of the young year.
“Larry, I’m on Ducktales,” he said.
I mean, it says it all, really. Little wonder that in the days since Pudi uttered the phrase, it has become a massive meme, and a pointed way to call attention to class disparity.
larry, I'm on ducktales pic.twitter.com/4lGtJhAHsI
— Daniel Radosh (@danielradosh) January 1, 2021
My New Years resolution is to organically slip “Larry I’m on ducktales” into conversation
— Claire (@clairlunia) January 1, 2021
Thinking about the “I’m on ducktales Larry” interview right now
— ??♀️ big little middle part ??♀️ (@somuchbetter88) January 3, 2021
Truly, given what we have all been through these last 12 months, we are all on Ducktales.