
Lana Del Rey Stopped Her Gig To Find Her Vape, Proving 2019 Is A Parody Of Itself

Fans offered a mint vape in replacement, but she rightfully rejected it.

Lana Del Rey vape

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Lana Del Rey really loves to vape: when her sixth album Norman Fucking Rockwell was released in August, she spent most of the promo cycle vaping on Instagram live while chatting to fans. But now, we know her love for her juul knows no bounds, with the singer stopping her set to find her misplaced vape.

Rey was in Portland performing last week when she lost her vape. In footage of the gig, you can see her strolling across the stage and turning listlessly, as if re-enacting her 2011 SNL performance. “Oh?, Oh,” she says repeatedly in-between swearing, confused as all hell as to where her vape is.

It’s a real dilemma, and eventually, after enlisting band members and stage hands, she gives up. After apologising to the crowd (“don’t hold this against me, Portland”), she goes into ‘Video Games’: was that the plan all along?

Whether it was a way to excite the crowd or not, Rey kept it up for the whole set, continually asking where the fuck her vape was.

There are mixed reports as to whether she found the vape: one Twitter user/concert goer says she later found it in a dress pocket, but most say it remains lost to the dark corners of Portland. She also, allegedly, rejected one punter’s mint flavoured vape, saying it was gross. She probably prefers ‘Cola’.

We’re sure Rey is concerned over the US government’s current war on vapes, after 23 people in the US have reportedly died due to vape-related lung illnesses. Perhaps this was a political piece about the world without juuls: one of confusion, anger and emptiness.

See the footage below. Most recently, Lana Del Rey appeared alongside Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande on ‘Don’t Call Me Angel’, a Charlie’s Angels reboot tie-in single.