
Lady Gaga Keeps Tweeting Weird ‘Memes’, And We’re A Little Obsessed

"I’m calling my next album ADELE."

Lady Gaga's recent tweets are very odd

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Lady Gaga has just begun the third stint of her Las Vegas residency, but we’re a little more interested and spellbound by her recent Twitter presence.

This year, Gaga’s more or less ignored Twitter: it’s mostly been used for promotion for Enigma / Jazz & Piano shows, or capturing big moments, such as her Met Gala look or launch of Haus Labs, a make-up line made with Amazon. But things began to change on August 25, when she Tweeted the letter “f”.

An accident, right? Or a sign of things to come? In the past two months, Gaga’s been adding more entrancing, mysterious thoughts into the feed, from “I am so snatched right now I don’t know what to do” to the headline-creating notion she was going to call LG6 ‘Adele’.

Then there was the boomer pivot, with Gaga Tweeting “what’s fortnight” and writing “. @ninja who are you”, tweeting at a famous YouTube gamer. It’s the small details, like misspelling the game’s name, and the space between the full stop and @ symbol, that make it.

Surely this can’t be an accident: nothing Gaga does is accidental. Whether it’s repeating the same lines during the A Star Is Born press tour or going hiking in Louboutins, Gaga is always performing — her Twitter, of course, is no different.

The tweets range from non-sensical memes about vaping to pseudo-insightful ideas, such as “fame is prison”, an idea which more or less eclipses Gaga’s discography.

Of course, Gaga has long been an oddball on Twitter, but there’s something about the way it’s ramping up at the moment that’s got our attention. Where social media black-outs have become the norm for a new era, Gaga seems to be doing the opposite: each tweet generates 1000s of replies begging for a new album.

Like Rihanna, everything Gaga does — whether an ad, a make-up line or a single letter — generates hype, leading to no goal in sight. It’s possible she’s teasing us, or whipping stans up into a frenzy over absolutely nothing either for fun or ‘commentary’. Maybe she’s just having a few more wines post show. Her ArtPop could mean anything: are we far from the shallows now, or are we not even in the water?

Enjoy some of our favourites.