
Everyone Is Roasting Kanye West’s Absolutely Hideous New Merch

Graphic design is my passion.

Kanye West merch photo

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The rollout for the new Kanye West album, Jesus Is King has been — somewhat predictably — a total mess.

First, West missed not one but two deadlines for the record, dropping it in the middle of the night, Australian time, like some stray cat unloading a mangled dead bird on a doorstep. Then, the reception to the record was universally mixed, with some longterm fans calling it the worst thing that West has ever turned in. When the critical notices came through, they weren’t much kinder either.

So sure, it makes sense, given everything that has happened, that the merch for this new phase in the American rapper’s career is absolute, ungodly horseshit.

Take a look at some of these overpriced offerings, works of primal horror that each call to mind that golden meme, ‘graphic design is my passion’:

Anyway, because this is 2019 on the internet, both Kanye fans and non-fans alike have gotten in on the tumult by thoroughly memeing these new fits.

Of course, true Kanye fans know exactly why the man is charging an arm and a leg for pieces of clothing that took, at most, 12 seconds for him to design. He left the clues right there on his newest album.

I guess it’s like they say: Kanye is gonna Kanye.