Jeb Bush Stood In Front Of A Green Screen And Now The Internet Is Flooded With Him Doing Much Cooler Things
Well you literally walked right into that one, Jeb.

Yeah, okay, the photoshop battle genre has been stretched pretty thin lately, but anything that gleefully ridicules conservative middle-aged Texan men is like an injection of concentrated serotonin pumped straight into my veins.
The particular conservative middle-aged Texan man who’s the butt of a bunch of Redditers’ joke right now is US presidential candidate Jeb Bush. You know, the guy who receives low-fives like a constipated kindergartener swatting a fly?

Yeah, that guy.
It all started when the Republican contender and one-time only smoker stepped in front of a green screen like a big idiot and tweeted about it.
Taking lessons on how to work the green screen & give a weather forecast from @McDermedWx.
— Jeb Bush (@JebBush) October 8, 2015
And then, of course, the battle began.

His final form. Source: Imgur.

Jeb Fiction. Source: Imgur.

Adam + Jeb 5eva. Source: Imgur.

“I am all that is silly and little.” Source: Imgur.

Disco Jeb shares the dance floor with nobody. Source: Imgur.


There’s absolutely no need to caption this. Source: Imgur.

Pffft, a likely story. Source: Imgur.

This feels eerily accurate. Source: Imgur.

… and somehow so does this. Source: Imgur.
And yes, Jeb knows. And he wants you to know that he knows.
The Reddit crowd had some weird ideas, but I might steal this one
— Jeb Bush (@JebBush) October 9, 2015
He’s not a regular Republican, he’s a cool Republican!
Via Reddit.