
Jacqui Lambie Doubles Down After Supporting Pauline Hanson’s Racist Abuse Of Mehreen Faruqi

Hanson told Faruqi to "piss off back to Pakistan" over her views of the Queen's death.

Jacqui Lambie Mehreen Faruqi

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Jacqui Lambie has backed support of Pauline Hanson’s racist attack on Mehreen Faruqi after the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

The Greens Senator shared on Twitter that she could not “mourn the leader of a racist empire built on stolen lives, land, and wealth of colonised peoples” on Friday.

“We are reminded of the urgency of Treaty with First Nations, justice, and reparations for British colonies, and becoming a republic,” said Faruqi.

Hanson replied spouting xenophobic vitriol, that, while not out of character for the One Nation leader, still shocked onlookers when she told Faruqi to “piss off back to Pakistan”.

On Saturday, Lambie voiced her support of Hanson’s sentiment, replying that Hanson was “right on the mark“.

“It is hugely offensive that the Deputy Leader of Australia’s third largest political party would use the death of the Queen as an opportunity to accuse anyone who mourns it of being racist,” said Lambie on Monday, despite the side she had chosen.

In a signed statement, she went on a rant about her dad being a Scottish migrant, and therefore other migrants should be proud of Australia as a colonised nation as well.

“I don’t agree with all of Pauline’s tweet, or the language she used, but I do agree that the attitude on show here is pretty disgraceful,” she doubled down.

Yes, we’re talking about the same independent Senator who joked that the Greens were just like ISIS, and vocalised Islamophobic sentiments during a migration policy debate on Q&AIn the years since, Lambie has been hailed as a hero, and even (kinda, sorta) apologised for the anti-Muslim comments and “really, really nasty stuff” she said in the past just last November.

“That’s not the message that I interpreted,” a Twitter user replied to Lambie’s assertion that Faruqi said “not only is the Queen’s death something that’s impossible to mourn, but by extension, anybody who does so is a racist”.

“I think she’s saying that she personally can’t mourn the death of the Queen and that the British Empire as a system is racist, not necessarily that everyone who lives in the empire is racist,” the user continued.

“Jacqui, mate, you’re putting words in other people’s mouths,” another tweeter replied. “That’s not at all what the original tweet said. Apologise for endorsing racism, move on, and do better next time.”

“‘Accuse anyone who mourns it of being racist’ — except that’s not even what Mehreen Faruqi said,” a third person commented. “And what Hanson said was actually racist, like in its entirety.”