How to save yourself from an end-of-year burnout

Semester two has finally come to an end, and for most of us it was probs a very brutal, exhausting year. Instead of rest and recuperation though, for many of us it’s straight onto summer school or gearing up for the Christmas period in retail (our deepest sympathies). If you haven’t been able to chill out after a hectic semester, here’s some simple ways to pull yourself out of the slump that is the end of the year.
Try not to make too many plans
It’s the time of year where people tend to have less commitments, so you might find a lot of mates are asking for catch-ups. But if you continue to make plans every single night of the week, you’ll be on your way to a killer burnout. Instead, give yourself some free nights and tell your various friends you’ll be at the pub on Friday night. Kill multiple birds with one stone by rolling all your catch-ups into one chill night of a few beers.

Get outside on your days off
If you’re spending most of your time inside studying or working, make the most of your days off. It’s summer! Go to the beach! Even if the weather’s not looking that great, go for a bit of an adventure with a nature walk or bikr ride. If you’ve been feeling exhausted and totally worn down, the fresh air will do wonders for your mental wellbeing.
Avoid the shops (if you can) and get Christmas presents online
There is nothing more stressful than going shopping in December. There are people everywhere, shit is flying off the shelves and you can’t walk anywhere without bumping into several people. Save yourself the traumatic experience and buy your Christmas presents online. You can get your whole Christmas listed sorted without leaving the bed, which gives you more time to chill the hell out.

Plan ahead for 2017
Maybe 2016 didn’t go exactly to plan, or maybe there are some things you could have done throughout the year that would have lessened the monumental burnout to come. Think positively and plan for all the things you want to achieve next year. Start thinking about NYE resolutions early so you can start your new an improved you right from the beginning. It might be a lifestyle and diet change or taking up a weekly yoga class Remind yourself that next year will be a good year!
Spend some time doing absolutely nothing
It’s easy on days off to keep up the go go go attitude when there’s life admin and so many things you’ve neglected from your to-do list. When you do get a day off, make sure you schedule some time in your day to do nothing whatsoever. Have a bubble bath, sit outside with a book and a cup of tea or try meditation if you have trouble switching off. Make sure you actually give yourself the time to chill out after a hectic semester – you deserve it.