Hitler Is An ’80s High-School Jock In The Bizarre New Trailer For ‘Danger 5’ Season Two

Classic Danger 5.

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Danger 5 is an underrated gem of Australian television. The first season, which you can find online with the help of oldm8 Google, was a viewer’s feat of dinosaur Nazis, bad lip-syncing and deathbed cocktail recipes, and earned itself a loyal fanbase of legends overseas.

Hype for Season Two has been building for a while, and it’s due to air next week in all it’s weird-as-shit glory. In preparation, one last trailer has dropped, featuring the violent death of a man with the head of an eagle and Adolf Hitler as the jock villain from every high-school ’80s movie. It is something to behold.


Danger 5 season two premieres at 9:30pm January 4 on SBS2.