
WATCH: Hillary Clinton Is Doing A Huge Livestreamed Interview With All Of Twitter Right Now

This will either go really well or really badly.

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Former US Secretary of State and possible next US President Hillary Clinton is going to be answering questions fielded from Twitter users in a live, filmed interview within the next ten minutes or so at the time of writing (about a quarter past ten in the morning ‘Strayan east coast time). Watch the livestream below, but first, some context.

While the Q&A sesh is apparently to promote Clinton’s new book Hard Choices, writing a book about what a serious politician you are and spruiking the crap out of it is pretty much mandatory before announcing you’re about to run for President. In an interview with Jon Stewart on The Daily Show last week, Clinton came as close as she ever has to admitting she’ll be running in 2016, although she’s been dropping little hints since before 2012 and already has a website set up where you can “get on the bus” and pledge to support her.

Considering the next Presidential election isn’t until November 2016, it’s unlikely Clinton will announce her candidacy on Twitter today, but guys wouldn’t it be amazing if she did? People would lose their goddamn minds — can you imagine if a likely future President just casually dropped it in reply to some misspelled tweet from @cooldude69?

You can watch the whole thing as it unfolds here, and Tweet her a question at #AskHillary: