
We Made You An Extremely Gay Playlist To Celebrate Marriage Equality

Suck it, homophobes.

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The results are in, the parliamentary vote is done, and there’s nothing left to say except SUCK IT, HOMOPHOBES.

Yesterday, the Australian parliament near-unanimously passed marriage equality into law, a month after the Yes campaign leapt to victory with a landslide 61.6 percent of the public vote.

The bill passed the House of Representatives after hours of emotional debate, with more than one hundred MPs speaking on the issue. All proposed amendments to the bill were knocked back, meaning that marriage equality will become law without special provisions for bakers, florists and civil celebrants to refuse service to same sex marriages.

If, like me, you’re a gay stuck inside an office despite this week being a sacred week on the Queer Calendar (other notable dates including Kylie Minogue’s birthday celebrations and Mardi Gras), please know that you’re not alone.

Music Junkee have pulled together the ultimate Pride playlist, comprising of 69 (nice) bangers that will get you through the day until you’re allowed to put on your mesh singlet and head to the club.

So dive in and party hard, my beautiful queers. We did it.

Junkee’s Extremely Gay Yes Vote Playlist