
Even His Own Staff Agree: Rupert Murdoch Is Evil

A traitorous clue was buried deep in the children's find-a-word of this weekend's Sunday Telegraph.

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Here is a find-a-word that featured in the childrens’ pages of Rupert Murdoch’s Sunday Telegraph over the weekend.


Here it is again, with a new phrase spotted.


The covert embedding of ‘MURDOCH IS EVIL’ was found by the media mogul’s competitors at Fairfax. It’s unclear how the Sydney Morning Herald got their hands on the scoop, but we like to imagine it’s just how print journalists spend their weekends these days: bent over the rival’s papers, hunting desperately for clues.

We’ve spent about 20 minutes looking for words like “I HATE MYSELF”, “SORRY” or “SAVE ME”, to gain further insight into the mood at News Corp. But all we could find is “SO WARY! AHG!”, “SORE”, and “DIRE”.

Someone’s about to be very, very fired.

Feature image via Getty/Huffington Post.