
Drake Dancing Bizarrely To Various Beloved TV Theme Tunes Is The Best

Drake is a drunk uncle.

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Yesterday new Prime Minister of Canada Drake dropped the video for ‘Hotline Bling’. It’s a little unusual, in that it mainly showcases a turtleneck-clad Drake pulling off some fairly questionable dance moves inside what appears to be a giant glowing cube.

Within hours of the video’s release, various internet heroes realised the footage of Drake doing an Elaine works just as well with other backing music. The writers of the theme tune for Frasier probably never envisaged this particular scenario, but here we are.

The songs of choice always severely undercut the atmosphere of effortless cool Drake’s trying to cultivate, instead turning him into a slightly drunk dad trying to embarrass his kids when their favourite show comes on TV. Peanuts, for instance:

Or Rugrats:

All that dancing would make anybody sleepy, which is presumably why Drake abruptly falls asleep on some lady’s butt towards the end of the clip.