“Diss Fatties, Bang Hotties”: The Pick-up Artists Bringing Their Racist, Sexist A-Game To Australia

Update: November 7, 8.50am – Last night protesters in Melbourne forced a Real Social Dynamics seminar held on a boat in the Yarra River to be cancelled. Following standoffs between attendees and protesters, and police refusing to allow protesters to board the boat on which the seminar was being held, police eventually removed the RSD seminar attendees and the event was cancelled.
Love this. From @LiamQuinn__: “Cruise is cancelled, get off the boat” https://t.co/cxDrauJag9 #takedownjulienblanc
— Asher Wolf (@Asher_Wolf) November 6, 2014
Here’s some footage of his “students” fleeing in terror https://t.co/0OBPTKuDld #TakeDownJulienBlanc
— Glen Coco (@MrPooni) November 6, 2014
Blanc is due in Brisbane on November 13, and in Sydney on November 20.
Here’s @RSDJulien‘s Australian tour dates. Julien, wherever you go, we will be there #takedownjulienblanc pic.twitter.com/oUB1II0uPR
— Kate Iselin (@kateiselin) November 6, 2014
Update: November 5, 12.50pm – After mounting public pressure, Brisbane’s Mercure Hotel have now joined Melbourne’s The Como Hotel, and cancelled the Real Social Dynamics event planned at their venue.
Pick-up artists and proponents of The Game aren’t known for their subtlety. There’s something about their deep sense of entitlement and their rote-learned methods of entrapping women that usually gives them away.
Also, Tweets like this.
Sometimes they’re dangerous. Take this video, ‘White Male Fucks Asian Women in Tokyo (And The Beautiful Methods to It)‘ [since deleted; watch a Japanese upload below]. Trigger warning: It shows a paralysing seduction method, tested out on Japanese women. Repeatedly, the necks of unwilling women are grabbed and pushed down onto the crotch of Julien Blanc, the human embodiment of Scumbag Steve and an “executive coach” at the misogynistic “dating advice” group Real Social Dynamics.
“Just say ‘Pikachu!’ or ‘Pokemon!’ or something to take the pressure off,” says Julien. “I actually have a picture of this where I’m holding these three girls, and you could still see my “nice face” because I didn’t realise how far I could get away with shit. Fast forward two days and I’m romping through the streets [of Japan] just grabbing girls, and my open is just, ‘Head on dick’,” he says.
He makes a few motions to indicate how it’s done, and his disciples, a room full of men taking notes, laugh uproariously. “Head. On. Dick.”
Real Social Dynamics bills itself as “the international leader in dating advice” – code for: a world-wide service that sells you the secrets to sexually harass women into sleeping with you. They have an online footprint the size of the Sasquatch’s, too.
Here, for instance, is Julien Blanc, sharing an since-deleted infographic from the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project with the caption, “May as well be a checklist… #HowToMakeHerStay

If that gets you a little hot under the neckbeard: there’s more!
Here are a couple more since-deleted tweets from the man, the first showing of his new T-shirt:

And the second a recent update to his #ChockingGirlsAroundTheWorld series:

Blanc’s website, PimpingMyGame.com, which autoplays creepy narration when opened, and comes with a distressing calls to arms: “Make girls BEG to sleep with you after SHORT-CIRCUITING their emotional and logical mind into a Million Reasons why they should….”
Yep, This Guy Is In Australia
Real Social Dynamics have brought their road-show of horrors to Australia, and are running seminars in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane through November and December.
Executive coach and “Master Pimp” Julien is already here, along with an assistant, Max. They ran an event at Sydney’s Masonic Conference and Function Centre as part of their RSD Free Tour, a free lecture series which promises to deliver “three hardcore hours of intense dating, seduction and self-actualization seduction training” – a taster for the paid workshops and bootcamps which kick off in Melbourne tomorrow (granted they can find a new venue), before heading around Australia.
Here is Julien standing in front of the Sydney Opera House, in his “Diss Fatties Bang Hotties” tee.
Just finishing wrapping up one hell of a vBlog here in #Sydney #Australia —> Be ready… ;) http://t.co/6c4BSlzafP pic.twitter.com/6cQYv6GBjy
— RSD Julien (@RSDJulien) November 2, 2014
Over the next six weeks, lonely “nice guys” in Australia can pay up to $2000 to be tutored in the ways of unprosecuted sexual assault, with live bootcamps unleashing their menace IRL, in cafes, bars and nightclubs. This is a million-dollar business for the organisers, and one of its founders, Nick “Papa” Kho, openly admits to using his own tactics to attract his wife.
#RSDFreeTour #Sydney #Australia A photo posted by @rsdjulien on
Yep, People Are Fighting Him
Thankfully, angered decent human beings everywhere are campaigning to #TakeDownJulienBlanc. Created by American activist Jennifer Li, the hashtag is full of those sickened by RSD and its scumbag group of coaches.
Q: What happens when blck men street harass? A: outrage Q: What happens when a white man does it A: He gets paid 1000s #takedownjulienblanc
— Uber ObamaBot (@NewaHailu) November 2, 2014
Closer to home, online agitation and a change.org petition saw Melbourne’s Como Hotel cancel its scheduled seminars yesterday — meaning that they’ll have to find a new venue to host Operation Get Your Dick in the Hole tomorrow night.
Following an objective review, we are in the process of advising Real Social Dynamics of our decision not to proceed as their event venue.
— The Como Melbourne (@ComoMelbourne) November 4, 2014
There’s currently a petition in the works to get the Brisbane venue, the Mercure Hotel, to follow the Como’s lead and cancel RSD’s seminars [Update: The Mercure has now cancelled the event], while outraged groups like Destroy The Joint try and hunt down the planned venue for Sydney. Meanwhile Eventbrite, who were ticketing the events, have removed them from their platform — a small win against this racist and sexist approach to “gaming” women.
@mjberryman We appreciate the concern. This event has been removed from our platform.
— Eventbrite Help (@eventbritehelp) November 4, 2014
Let’s cross our fingers (and legs) in the hope that we can take down Julien Blanc, one tweet, article and petition at a time.
Aicha Marhfour is a freelance journalist in Melbourne. She tweets from @aichamarhfour