Australians Are Roasting Disney Over Their Streaming App’s Suspiciously Familiar New Logo
Our ABC.

Disney have officially just launched Movies Anywhere, a cloud-based digital locker, online store and video streaming app that lets users link their iTunes, Amazon Video, Google Play and Vudu accounts in one place. The service shapes up as a game-changer for movie lovers, letting them access thousands of hours of content on any device.
There is one small issue with Movies Anywhere, however. I’m talking about the logo, which looks… suspiciously familiar.
#MoviesAnywhere is here. Your movies, together at last. #AnywhereIsHere
— Disney (@Disney) October 12, 2017
If you can’t quite figure out where you’ve seen this before, maybe this will help.
— Simon Kennedy (@Simon_Kennedy) October 13, 2017
Look, I get that it’s meant to be an ‘M’ combined with an ‘A’, but did you really not think to chuck this into a search engine first?
Plenty of Australians have been giving the House of Mouse a serve on social media over the similarities between the two logos.
What a brilliant logo. No need to Google if anyone else has done similar. I am sure they haven’t. Lock it in.
— Wil Anderson (@Wil_Anderson) October 13, 2017
— Kaeser (@Kaeserdc) October 13, 2017
Looks like @ABCiview has added some pretty big content!!?
— Brad Hansen (@Brad_J_Hansen) October 13, 2017
When logo design is as easy as ABC.
— Kory Nunn (@KoryNunn) October 13, 2017
.@ABCTV‘s new logo looks like a MASSIVE ripoff if you ask me.
— DaveTheSpookySinger (@HappySinger) October 13, 2017
Can’t believe Scrooge McDuck is getting our hard-earned tax dollars. What a bloody rort.