
A Comprehensive Budget For A Banger Night Out

Going out doesn't have to be exxy if you're smart about it.

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We’re all guilty of checking our bank balance the morning after a big night out and being dumbfounded by how much we spent.

When you’re in your 20s, especially if you’re a student or paying rent, you start to break it down in your mind. $200 is what you make in two shifts at work… was that one night really worth it?

Well luckily, you can still have a solid night out by changing it up a little when it comes to spending. We’ve run the numbers and have the exact cost of how much your lit night out will be if you follow this budget.

Borrow Your Mate’s Outfit: $0

This is more aimed at the girls who feel like they need to wear something new at any and every social occasion. Yes, buy a new dress for your best friend’s 21st. But, for a general night out with mates, there’s no need.

Borrow that playsuit of your friends you really love and put the debit card back in your purse.

Pres At Your Place: $0

What’s great about pre-drinking is that you get to spend quality time with your mates before everyone loses each other at the club. But also, you save a ton of mullah.

Play games such as ‘Goon of Fortune’, ‘Kings Cup’ and ‘Red or Black’ for some free entertainment and a great way to kickstart your lit night out.

Aldi Wine: $2.69

Drinks are usually the most expensive part of the night, especially when feeling generous and buying rounds for your mates. A rum and coke is potentially over $10, and almost anyone needs more than one to feel a little something. Go out and buy Precious Earth Chardonnay (it’s even cheaper than goon). If you’re struggling with the taste, pick up some OJ for flavour (add on $3.29).

Train Or Bus it: $8.60 return

Whip out your opal or get Ally who’s always deso-driver to give you a lift.

It’s going to be $8.60 return (at the very highest) with an adult opal for those part time students who can’t use concession (sucked in!). Also, there’s always interesting people to mingle with on the nightriders home.

This obviously requires a bit of effort on your part to make sure you’re out of the club and at the train/bus stop on time. Set an alarm on your phone to make sure you absolutely leave 10 mins before the nightrider arrives.

Entry Fee: $0

Go out to those bars or clubs that you know have free entry and banger beats. If none really come to mind – because you’re a person of expensive taste – it’s time to get researching. Whether your group is more into the pub scene or EDM nightclub vibe, there are always places in the city or local to you that you may never have heard of before but are way cheaper. Use your research skills that you use at uni to good use.

Most places actually don’t charge cover until a certain time at night. Go in extra early

The Cheapest Drink On The Menu: $8

You gained free entry into this establishment so you kind of have a duty to support them. But, like, in a reasonable way. Find the menu and order the absolute cheapest thing on there – you’re already buzzed from the wine and OJ so it doesn’t matter what it tastes like.

Macca’s Loose Change Menu: $4

McDonalds has a solid reputation for sucking us in, even ‘vegan’ Kelsie can’t resist the delicious, satisfying taste of 1000 calories of grease after a big night.

The loose change menu is great for the frugal eater. Frozen cokes are just a dollar and any of the food items start from $1 up to $3. These range from chicken n’ cheese burger, hashbrown bites and apple pie. You’re all set.

Maximum total spend: $23.29. Not bad at all.

(Lead image: How To Be Single/Metro-Goldwyn Mayer)