The Internet Is Showing Support For The Workers Who Calmly Dealt With ‘Bunnings Karen’
"Might go to Bunnings today to drag the manager to The Hague and hit the sausage sizzle"

Your local breeding ground for extremism (aka the internet) has a lot to answer for; but while we can hate it for giving conspiracy theorists the ability spread their dumb shit around, we can also love it for giving us the ability to make fun of them for it.
The last few days have given us ample opportunity for this. First came the video of Eve Black, a Melbourne woman who was slammed for refusing to answer questions at a coronavirus roadblock (yet still managed to get through). Then came the Queensland truck driver who refused to provide his details and instead asked police “am I a man?” (to which the officer promptly responded, ‘it’s 2020 mate, what do you identify as?‘).
Until recently most of these interactions have been between “sovereign citizens” and police officers who are tasked with enforcing public health orders, but since Victoria introduced mandatory face masks we’re also seeing regular people having to hold others accountable.
Enter ‘Bunnings Karen’.
Bunnings Karen does not want to wear a face mask. Bunnings Karen has decided to take a stand against those who are “in breach of the 1948 charter of human rights to discriminate against men and women”. Bunnings Karen has decided the best way to do this is to abuse staff at her local hardware store.
ma’am this is a bunnings
— lottie (@girlsburp) July 27, 2020
The video of this Melbourne woman — since identified as Kerry Nash — has gone viral, with people roundly condemning her selfish actions. But now the focus has rightly shifted away from this woman and her nonsense, and onto the staff at Bunnings who were incredibly calm through the whole ordeal.
While they were no doubt screaming internally throughout the entire exchange, externally they managed to keep calm — and for that they deserve a medal (personally I’d settle for a lifetime supply of free sausage sizzles).
Just off to Bunnings to abuse the polite low paid staff.
— Shayne Calliss (@SCalliss) July 26, 2020
Might go to Bunnings today to drag the manager to The Hague and hit the sausage sizzle
— sЯem (@sremdtd) July 27, 2020
People are applauding the actions of the workers who had to deal with this woman, and offering their support.
These Bunnings staff members all deserve a raise, they aren’t paid enough to debate constitutional law and international law jurisdiction
— JACABson Loud ☘️??? (@BleedGreenJason) July 26, 2020
This thing I like most about this Bunnings shenanigans is that I feel like the intensity of reaction is such because it is viewed as an affront to a key Australian cultural institution. One does not simply give grief to the Bunnings. Touch one, touch all.
— Christopher Owen ? (@oysta) July 27, 2020
I need all Bunnings staff to know that lesbians across the country are ready and willing to protect you. Shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm, together we stand.
— Sally Rugg (@sallyrugg) July 26, 2020
Do yourself a favour and get a umbrella from Bunnings they’re the best just don’t mention the Chater of human rights
— Ⓥ Soy Boy (@_LeftistVegan) July 27, 2020
If you or a loved one have been denied entry to Bunnings in contravention of the Charter of Human Rights as a result of your refusal to wear a mask please contact me and I will mock you mercilessly.
I am one of Australia's most experienced lawyers in the field of mockery.
— Wolf Lawyer (@thewolflawyer) July 26, 2020
Just went to Bunnings and shouted "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" and they sold me a sledgehammer and a laundry basket. #Bunnings
— Neil McMahon (@NeilMcMahon) July 27, 2020
*Bunnings staff trying to follow appropriate protocols*
Melbourne Karens:#COVID19Aus #covid19vic
— Clement Tito (@ClementGTito) July 27, 2020
Others are leaning into the tangled web of coronavirus conspiracy theories.
Bunnings. Welcome to the resistance.
— Tim Lyons (@Picketer) July 27, 2020
Fuck I think the anti-maskers have figured out the conscious truth that Bunnings is actually the deep state front for the elite new wave Billimunati trying to quash the hard work of Q and the Sovereign Citizens…
— Tristan Jones (@WallMeatJones) July 27, 2020
Bunnings 2018: onions must go UNDER the sausage for safety reasons
Bunnings 2020: masks must go ON the face for safety reasons
Trolls: BuNnInGs CaN gO gEt StUfFeD aCcOrDiNg To ThE 1948 uNiVeRsAl DeClArAtIoN oF hUmAn RiGhTs ThAt I lOoKeD uP oN wIkIpEdIa
— Itseemedlikeagoodideaatthetime (@Itseemedlikeag1) July 27, 2020
The woman in question has since released another video harassing staff at Australia Post — the whole thing has gotten so out of hand that the actual Executive Director of the Human Rights Law Centre has had to take to Twitter to explain human rights to us all.
Unbelievable this needs to be said. To the dolts who think it is a breach of human rights to be required to put on a mask before you go to Bunnings or wherever it is. Stop being an arsehole and read this from the Executive Director of the Human Rights Law Centre, Hugh de Kretser:
— Dylan Repia (@dylanrepia) July 27, 2020
Today Victoria recoded its worst day of the pandemic, with 532 new cases and another six deaths.
Time to get the ball rolling on calling them Qarens.
— Science says… (@BecauseScience3) July 26, 2020