
This Chaotic Birthday Candle Fight Perfectly Sums Up What Having A Sibling Is Actually Like

The older sister smiling after basically getting scalped is truly unsettling.

Birthday Candle Fight

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If you have a sibling, you know that jealously and pettiness is just part of growing up.

Whether it’s having a sook that your older brother gets more freedom than you, or that your young sister isn’t forced to do as many chores, there’s always some sort of tension going on between siblings.

One of the biggest points of tension, however, is easily when your siblings just don’t know how to let you enjoy things that are yours — specifically birthdays, and blowing out the candles on your own cake.

Well, two young sisters from Brazil have encompassed this tension perfectly in the most chaotic video known to man.

While the clip is only 25 seconds long, Maria Eduarda’s third birthday descended into absolute chaos when her older sister, Maria Antonia, decided to blow out the candles on her Disney princess cake.

Between the screaming, tears and absolute beatdown Eduarda gave Antonia, the short clip has captured the attention of millions with the video gaining 12 million views on Twitter alone.

Originally uploaded by the siblings’ mother, Gabriela Aureluk, the video was shared again by Twitter user Tim Hell where it went viral — and it makes sense, it’s mayhem.

But beyond the instant mood switch and the small boy to the right desperately trying to stop the fight, it’s Antonia’s evil shrug just before Eduarda essentially scalped her and her smug smile after being dragged by the hair that people can’t stop thinking about.

Tossing up between thinking Antonia is iconic for being entirely unfazed by the attack to calling the child’s energy “very very dark”, people were just scared of Antonia for just about everything in the clip.

While people online had many thoughts on the video, one sentiment was shared by all: That this fight feels an awful lot like how 2020 has treated us in the last 10 months.


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But for those worried, about the status of the older sister’s scalp and the tensions between the pair, their mother posted that the siblings are fine.

In fact, right after the incident Gabriela Aureluk shared a photo of the pair cutting the cake together on her Instagram story, showing the sisters got over the drama very quick. Roughly translated from Portugese, Aureluk wrote: “Why are you saying they hate each other when right after they were cutting the cake together?”

“Only those with siblings would understand,” she ended her caption.

Following the clip going viral, the girl’s mother also set up a joint Instagram account for the sisters. On it, she thanks those who are fans of the sisters and “sends a big kiss” to the 197,000 people who have followed the page already.

If you’d like to see more of the truly chaotic sisters, you can follow their joint Instagram page here