Every Contestant On ‘The Bachelor’ Ranked By How Likely They Are To Murder The Bachelor

The lady in the penguin costume has killed, and will kill again.

The Bachelor contestants

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We’re only hours away from The Bachelor stomping onto our screens like a huge naughty toddler, who will NOT go to bed, even though he is VERY tired.

I don’t know a lot about this season, except that our big boy Bachy this year is a man named Locky Gilbert, who was apparently a contestant on Survivor. I do not watch Survivor, because I believe it is appropriating Destiny’s Child culture, and also because of the prohibitive standards of hygiene on the show. Yucko.

I have a feeling that I will not be particularly moved towards empathy with Locky, and the fact that he has misspelled his own name doesn’t hurt. That said, if he meets a woman named Key-ra, it will clearly be a match.


Speaking of women, one of the strangest conceits in The Bachelor is the idea that 22 women all living together would be interested in dating a man, and not indulging in a radical lesbian polycule commune — but once you accept that wild premise, the show really takes off.

While the show believes that it’s fostering an environment ripe for two people to fall in love in a highly sterile TV setting, I believe what it’s really creating is the perfect setting… for murder. And not because these woman are inherently sinister — although some are tbh — but because I can’t imagine spending that much time living off nothing more than free champagne, in a giant house with BUNK BEDS, trying to fall in love with a big straight dude, without accidentally murdering someone.

These women are smart, beautiful, powerful, and sometimes deadly — and deserve to be treated as such. Why wouldn’t they kill this idiot?

So, let’s rank every contestant on The Bachelor 2020 by how likely they are to murder Locky Gilbert, pulling info from their official bios.


Roxi states in her bio is that “the only prerequisite this Mechanical Engineer has is that he [The Bachelor] can’t be smarter than her…”, so it sounds like she will be happy as a clam, and therefore have no murderous instincts throughout the entire show.


“I’ve tried the online dating scene and dating in real life wasn’t working either, so with a glass of wine one night I thought ‘wine not?'” writes Marlaina.

Anyone who commits so deeply to a gentle pun like this doesn’t have a homicidal bone in their body, and in fact has delightful “mum after three chardonnay” energy. We wish them the best, and hope they get out of the mansion before the blood starts spilling.


When asked how she would handle confrontation in the Bachelor mansion, Marg (it’s either short for Margarita or Margarine, and both are LOVELY) answered with the classic line “I really don’t like catty behaviour, but I am not afraid of defending myself and being honest if needed”.

Translated, this means — “I LOVE catty behaviour, and I will start confrontation every single time”.

She is this low down the list because she will not murder Locky, she will be murdered by one of the other women before she even gets the chance.


Leilani is apparently a “Partnerships Manager” for her work, so I would imagine she would be very good at managing her partner, ie, not bonking him on the head with a huge wooden mallet until he dies from a bad case of flat brain.

A Bunch Of Blonde Women I Didn’t Count

They are unremarkable, in the sense that I couldn’t get a firm handle on whether or not they would murder someone. That’s probably a compliment when you think about it.


OK, now we are starting to cook with gas. Laura says that her “ideal man will treat her like a queen” and that she has “high expectations and expects others to follow her example.”

There’s nothing that men do better than to let you down, so I think this is what we call a “motive”, when we find Locky impaled on top of some kind of garden stake used to prop up roses in the Bachy mansion.


Areeba is described as “a passionate woman, who is easily fired up”.

I mean… I already want to run Locky over with a squad of rowdy children in dodgem cars, and I’ve never met the guy, and I am FAMOUSLY calm. I did yoga one, because I got it free from workers comp, I am extremely zen.

Areeba will last two minutes before hearing the Kill Bill music and embarking on a glorious revenge romp through the mansion, after some heterosexual nonsense.


Occupation: HR Advisor.

There is no industry more psychotic than HR. And a person who ADVISES them? Horrifying.


Georgie seems harmless, but she says that one thing she’s looking for is a man with “a sneaky BIG heart”… Does she need it to be big so she can STAB it easier???????


“Fiery and sassy, Zoe-Clare has no filter”. Cool, is not wanting to push somebody off the top of a tall hotel considered a “filter”?

Also, people don’t realise this, but her name was originally just Zoe, until she murdered someone named Clare and absorbed her name. That’s what people with hyphenated names are — cold-blooded monsters, who proudly bear the name of their conquered foe.


The Bachelor Australia 2020 contestants

Kristina describes herself as: “Intelligent, loyal and sporty, Kristina is a keen boxer who isn’t afraid to face anyone head on.”

She says that “gaslighters need not apply” and that a dealbreaker for her is “bad communication”.

With absolutely no malice or spite, Kristina will end up beating Locky to death with her bare hands, because he is a man, and therefore only able to spit filthy lies from his stupid mouth. It won’t so much be murder, as just a fight that she wins, resoundedly and fairly.


The Bachelor Australia 2020 contestants
Many of nature’s most poisonous animals are the most brightly coloured.

Nicole will poison Locky Gilbert, this isn’t defamation, it is fact, and any lawyer in the entire world will support me.


The Bachelor Australia 2020 contestants

I’m sorry, I really am, but Maddy will run over Locky after being voted out. Why? Because of this sentence, which SHE WROTE, which you must read as if she is hysterically sobbing, mascara streaming down her face, her fists clenched too hard by her side.

“I am turning 26 this year and time is flying by. I am ready to get married and have kids, so all I need now is a man.” I imagine at this point she whisper-repeats “a man” softly to herself.

“I don’t want to be an old lady who lives in a little flat with ten cats. I don’t even like cats!”

She is absolutely rocking back and forth while saying this.


The Bachelor Australia 2020 contestants

“The country girl-turned-model believes life is too short not to take risks and is looking for her magical fairy-tale with a good honest Aussie bloke. With a 100 kilogram pet pig, Mr Pickles at her side, Paige hopes to add to her family with a man who has the same morals and values that she has.”

I’m SORRY. You think you can just sneak a 100 kilo pig past us by just casually dropping it into a sentence? Mr Pickles is only good for one thing — eating the bodies of the men you murder. Or frankly, if you’re 100 kilos, maybe Mr Pickles does the killing himself? I mean, the fact that she calls him MR Pickles clearly shows that she both respects and fears him.

Paige also wants to be gifted a goat every time she gives birth, which doesn’t fit in with my murder ranking… but nor does it help?


The Bachelor Australia 2020 contestants

When asked why she is still single, Clare answers with “I just haven’t found my partner in crime yet”. Ahem.

Murder is a crime — one of the top five!


The Bachelor Australia 2020 contestants

One of Batman’s most ruthless enemies.


The Bachelor Australia 2020 contestants


Nadine has killed, and she will kill again. She has specifically been sent to the mansion to murder this man.

Nadine has a tattoo that says: “better to have loved and lost than not have loved at all”, which sure — but it feels like she’s almost aggressively pushing a scenario where someone is “lost” (murdered). But it’s just a tattoo of a common saying, right? Nothing to get too excited about. You FOOL!

She is also a criminologist (one of the top fields that psychopaths are drawn to is law enforcement, that’s a fact). It means she is qualified in the field of murder. She also says she “knows what to do if anyone crosses her”, which I’m going to assume is “push them off a cliff so a herd of Wildebeest tramples them”.


When asked if she’s ever had her heart broken, she says “Yes, I have. I describe it as though you’ve been hit by a train, your entire body hurts.”

She then looks directly into the camera (I imagine), and says “And it’s proven that heartbreak is the same pain as being hit by a train.”

How… how did she prove this? Did she… push the person who broke her heart into the path of a train???????

Good luck, Locky — you’re gonna need it with this pack of rabid killers after you.

The Bachelor airs on Channel 10 on Wednesday and Thursday nights, Junkee will be recapping every episode.

Patrick Lenton is the Editor of Junkee. He tweets @patricklenton. He does not endorse murder.