
Alex Lahey Just Pulled Off A Perfect My Chemical Romance Cover On ‘Like A Version’

And she brought her mate G Flip along for the ride.

Alex Lahey triple j photo

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— Update: My Chemical Romance have announced their reunion. —

It’s a been a month of nostalgia over at triple j’s Like A Version.

Last week, Japanese Wallpaper took us back to Orange Country with Phantom Planet’s ‘California’, and now Alex Lahey has dumped us back into skinny jeans and kohl eyeliner with a thundering cover of My Chemical Romance’s ‘Welcome To The Black Parade’.

Lahey tore into the 2006 classic this morning with a little help from her mate G Flip, who looked like the happiest person on the planet as she bashed together cymbals in the background.

G Flip photo

No one has ever percussed so hard in their life.

Away from the parade, Lahey got stuck into ‘Misery Guts’ — a track from the album she dropped earlier in the year, The Best Of Luck Club. Since its release, she’s pretty much been on the road ever since; she’ll soon be kicking off a huge regional tour, and popping by festivals such as Yours & Owls.

Get stuck into the two tracks below, and scout all her upcoming tour dates over here.