Alex Lahey Just Pulled Off A Perfect My Chemical Romance Cover On ‘Like A Version’
And she brought her mate G Flip along for the ride.

— Update: My Chemical Romance have announced their reunion. —
It’s a been a month of nostalgia over at triple j’s Like A Version.
Last week, Japanese Wallpaper took us back to Orange Country with Phantom Planet’s ‘California’, and now Alex Lahey has dumped us back into skinny jeans and kohl eyeliner with a thundering cover of My Chemical Romance’s ‘Welcome To The Black Parade’.
Lahey tore into the 2006 classic this morning with a little help from her mate G Flip, who looked like the happiest person on the planet as she bashed together cymbals in the background.

No one has ever percussed so hard in their life.
Away from the parade, Lahey got stuck into ‘Misery Guts’ — a track from the album she dropped earlier in the year, The Best Of Luck Club. Since its release, she’s pretty much been on the road ever since; she’ll soon be kicking off a huge regional tour, and popping by festivals such as Yours & Owls.
Get stuck into the two tracks below, and scout all her upcoming tour dates over here.