
Alan Jones Is Retiring And People Are Sharing His Worst Moments Online

"Alan Jones ‘Always done right by his country’ the PM just said. Cronulla riots, cash for comment, drown Julia Gillard in a chaff bag. Yeah, right."

Alan Jones

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In these post-corona times, there has been a distinct lack of good news floating around to bring us comfort. This morning, that all changed — Alan Jones is hanging up the microphone, people.

The radio shock jock announced his retirement from 2GB this morning, and tributes have been pouring in for the 79-year-old.

I’m absolutely joking — Jones has made a career out of saying “controversial” things, which translates to inciting race riots, joking about assaulting womenusing the n-word on television, and being a climate change denier.

If anything, people are celebrating that his divisive and toxic contribution to the Australian media landscape is coming to an end.

The talkback host made the announcement this morning, telling listeners he was stepping down because of ill health. His last show will be May 29.

“I guess after 35 years the full stop has to go in somewhere,” he told listeners.

“I’m immensely grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given to share ideas to help people, even though I argue with people on behalf of someone else, these are privileges in this industry.”

Jones will continue writing for News Corp and presenting his show on Sky News. He will be replaced by drive show presenter Ben Fordham.